ACcORD research presented at Australian Dementia Forum in Hobart, Tasmania
This year’s forum was held in June 2019 and provided a wonderful opportunity to showcase the research being funded by ACcORD. Four posters were presented:
- “Dementia is the second most feared condition among Australian health service consumers.” R Watson, R Sanson-Fisher, J Bryant, & E Mansfield.
- “Junior Medical Officers’ knowledge of implementation of advance care directives for people with dementia.” A Bowman, J Bryant, A Waller, R Sanson-Fisher, R Pickles, C Hullick, B White, E Price, & L Willmott.
- “Preferences for timing of discussions about Advance Care Planning: Findings from a survey with carers.” J Bryant, E Mansfield, E Cameron, & R Sanson-Fisher.
- “Participation in future planning by persons with dementia: Findings from a cross-sectional survey of carers.” J Bryant, E Mansfield, E Cameron, & R Sanson-Fisher.

Rochelle Watson pictured with her poster

Jamie Bryant pictured with her posters

Allison Bowman pictured with her poster